From Saturday 20th to Wednesday 24th September 2008 the Convention of the Left gathers together in Manchester under the banner 'Another World is Possible', at the same time as the Labour Party comes to town. "This bold venture comes as a result of people from different left and radical traditions – or none – getting together in Greater Manchester to say that there IS an alternative ... " Commencing at 12.30pm on Saturday with the Stop the War/CND demonstration , which assembles at All Saints, Cavendish Street, Manchester, the first session of the Convention follows at 3.00pm in the Friends Meeting House in Mount Street. The Final Programme for the many events, meetings and discussions which are taking place over the five day Convention is available from . Wednesday is 'Peace' day and is a must for those who want to give Peace a chance. Spokesman Books will attend the Covention. Copies of the new issue of The Spokesman - Tskhi...